Simpragma blog

Microservices, Mobile Apps, Chatbots, Automation, Fullstack development and DevOps

Build your own voicebot in flat 27 minutes

As a chatbot enthusiast, i strongly beleive that chatbots should interact with us like a natural human. Not a like machine that throws some options at you and ask to choose one. The whole idea of Natural language processing (NLP)...

A Conversation with Simpragma’s Co-founder, Ankush Deshpande By Laurie Wiegler

With over two decades of experience in core technology companies, Ankush Deshpande has proven himself across a range of niche industries as well as global interests. The Indian-based company he cofounded with Manjunath Hanasi is poised to take bot technology...

Chatbots - experiences from my first 25 bots: lesson #1

Chatbot - Keep it simple & short Most of us in our lifetime would have definitely installed a software, right? How many of us remember the terms and conditions for that software, anyone? I am pretty sure none of us. As...